Friday, April 9, 2010

Any parking troubles with large 4 wheel drive pick-up?

We are trying to decide between taking our Chevy Trailblazer (better gas mileage) or our 4x4 Superduty pick-up (comfort and space) on our 12 day trip from Wisconsin to South Dakota this June. Our concern is parking issues in the towns like Deadwood, Keystone, Wall and at the tourist attractions like Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Caves, etc. Also, will the large truck have any trouble getting through on some of the scenic highways in Badlands and Custer State Park? Thanks!

Any parking troubles with large 4 wheel drive pick-up?

You will have plenty of room to park either vehicle, and plenty of road clearance. Trucks are a pretty common mode of transportation in any of the western states.

If you ever make it to downtown Seattle, I%26#39;d suggest the smaller rig.

Any parking troubles with large 4 wheel drive pick-up?

This is big pickup country so you%26#39;ll be fine.

Avoid the parking ramp in Deadwood as it%26#39;s tight. Pick one of the surface lots instead.

The parking ramp at Mount Rushmore is spacious so it shouldn%26#39;t be a problem--but you can park on the top level if you think height clearance might be a problem.

You%26#39;ll fit through the Custer State Park tunnels (if you%26#39;re pulling a camper it might be a different story). The Badlands road has no tunnels or tight areas.

As everyone else said, you%26#39;ll be fine with driving a pickup here in SD with parking. Sioux Falls is about the only town/city in SD that isn%26#39;t pickup parking friendly.

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